Sep 20, 2008

About Programming

Programming means giving a set of instructions to the machine.By Programming we can accomplisha task or action.So you want to know about how to program ? A Program is written in any computer languages.
Computer Languages are always classified into three Categories
  1. LowLevel Languages
  2. Middle Level Languges
  3. High Level Languages
In the Above Categories C is an High Level Language(It means they are english-like which is understandable by humans).
Low Level means language which is understandable by machine that is binary language ( 0's and 1's)
Middle Level means Assembly level which is coded as pseudo code (ADD 10,20) where ADD is pseudo code that represents the Addition Action

Process of Compilation

What is Compilation or Action of Compiler?
A Compiler is used to convert from high level language to the machine language.
During Compilation if there is an error(bug) means it indicates it to us. So we can debug(Correct Errors) to make successful compilation.

After Compiled Successfully you can execute that program.

C Langugae Compilation Model

Source Program
Pre Processor
Linker-------------------- |
Object Code
Executable Code

Here in the above Process when you a compile a source C Program, Pre Processor directives will be executed and Program is compiled. During Compiling the Program will link with library file to share the function declared in the libraries and the source code ( firstpgm.c ) will be Converted to (firstpgm.obj) which is called as object code.When the object code is created you are ready to create an executable file for the program to make "firstpgm.exe"