Oct 9, 2008

C Tokens


C Tokens are categorized as below,
1. C Character Set
2. Identifiers and Keywords
3. Variables
4. Data Types
5. Constants

1. C Character Set
The C Character Set includes the following characters

A - Z Capitalized Alphabets
a - z Lower Case Alphabets
0-9 Numbers
Special Symbols Such as ,
+, - , *, / ,\ , | , ] , [ ,{ , } , : , ; , " , ', (,)Comma, .(Period), >, < , ? . #. %. ^.&, ( , ), _,=,~,! etc., Whitespaces 2. Identifier and Keywords Identifier is the name that is oftenly used for variables , arrays , structures , unions etc., There are some rules to construct the identifier 1. The First letter of the identifier must be a letter. Even from the second letter it may be a character or numbers 2. No Special Symbols is allowed except the underscore (_) character 3. The maximum length may be 256 characters 4. Keywords Should not be used Keywords: It has a some preffered meaning to use There are 32 keywords in C auto,extern,static,register,short,int,long,float,double,char,unsigned,signed,void,return,if,else,switch, case, default, break, continue, for, do, while, goto , volatile, typedef, enum, struct, union, sizeof, const Data Types There are five atomic data types in C. Character,Integer,Floating-point,double,void(valueless) Datatypes in C are classified into simple, Primitive or atomic data(Integers, Characters, Floats, Doubles) Compound, Structured or derived data(Arrays, Structures, Unions, BitFields)